Friday 21 February 2014

Ways to increase the Concentration Power

Ways to increase the Concentration Power

Get rid of worrying thoughts
Start taking deep breaths while staring and for a short time after you have finished with long hours of studies
Laughter is good for your brain

Try to get full sleep. Take at least six hour rest for refreshment and relaxation of your mind. A fresh mind can concentrate more easily.

Don’t take too much tea or coffee. Tea or coffee has caffeine that gives you more strength for sometime but soon leaves you sluggish.

Study in a place with no or less distractions. Your study place should be free from such things which may absorb your attention, i.e television, music, changing color bulbs, maps etc. Similarly study in quiet place free from sound distractions.

Take short breaks in long study. If you study for a long time, you get bore and can’t maintain concentration on work. You should refresh your mind by taking short breaks to maintain your concentration on study.

ANTIOXIDANTS. Vitamins C, E, and beta carotene are antioxidants and are also important vitamins for memory. Antioxidants protect brain tissue by breaking down free radicals, which are toxic forms of the oxygen molecule natually found in the bloodstream.

 OMEGA FATTY ACIDS. Omega-3 fatty acids are not really "vitamins" as such, but important fat molecules that enhance memory and brain function. So much is said about so-called bad fats, but the Omega-3 fatty acids are actually a class of good fats.

B VITAMINS. Research shows that B vitamins improve memory by creating a protective shield for the neurons in the brain.

Suggested By:
NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise, Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)
Tel: +91-9811309667

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