Thursday, 20 August 2015

5 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Those Thunder Thighs

Getting a set of toned thighs is everybody’s fitness goal. If you have tried almost everything and still haven’t managed to tone those quads, try these exercises for slimmer thighs. 

1. Squats
Squats should be an essential part of your workout. This exercise works like magic on all your thigh muscles. It tones your hamstrings and quadriceps, and builds your calf muscles too.

2. Lunges
Lunges are another move that will shape your entire leg. They increase the flexibility of your pelvic girdle as well. Do them regularly for slimmer thighs and a toned butt.

3. Dead Lifts
Dead lifts actually give you a full body workout. They hit every muscle fibre in your legs, cutting the fat and defining your muscles. They also stimulate the production of growth hormones in your body.

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Monday, 17 August 2015

Fitness A Must, To Boost Brain Health Among Kids

Zumba  and Kick boxing is starting from 5th September.
Call on +919811309667 for enrollment

Physical fitness is losing ground among children to video games, TV, studies and sedentary lifestyle. Child obesity and musculoskeletal development disorders by the age of 14 years is becoming a common sight in India.
Probably making physical education and routine exercise regime, a part of the curriculum could help address this problem. Least that can be done is, parents encouraging children to make physical activity a part of their every day life.
Immediate benefits of routine exercises include:
·         Improved ability to complete routine activities.
·         Healthy bones and muscles.
·         Improved motor skills
·         Reduced injuries.
·         Prevents many chronic health conditions. Regular exercising ensures a lower risk for developing chronic health problems.
·         Better flexibility level
·         Better concentration level.
Some tips for parents to encourage fitness:
Taking special interest in your kids’ fitness level go a long way in the child future health. Parents can exercise with their kids, that way, it will help both parent and child to get fit and also make it a fun time. Some of the exercises that can be considered as fitness activities include:
·         Sports are considered as one of the best exercises. Playing a sport your child likes help boost interest in the activity.
·         Teach them Yoga. Yoga stretches work best as a holistic approach to improve overall health. If you are not familiar with correct postures then practice under the supervision of an expert.

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Sunday, 16 August 2015

Anybody can exercise

Zumba  and Kick boxing is starting from 5th September.
Call on +919811309667 for enrollment

Daily exercise is the key to a healthy body, mind and soul. It will make you feel better, and open up a whole new way of life for you. It has been proven that exercise is a form of preventive medicine.
Today, virtually every form of medical science recognises these basic truths:
Simple exercise can have profound healing effects.
Specific “physical activities” can help fight illness and enhance health.
It helps you improve your mood.
It keeps your energy level up.
Exercise is a holistic approach to maintain overall health.
Being a fitness therapist, I have come across many people who think that they cannot exercise.
They give me endless lists of reasons (I am not including “I don’t have time” — this is not a reason, just an excuse) and most of their reasons are pure myths.

Myth 1 — My knee hurts
People, especially seniors, fear that some exercises like squats or lunges will harm their knees.
If your joints feel strained or pained after any sort of movement, that means you are not doing it right.
Another fact is that squats are very effective in strengthening your knee joints, provided you do them right.

Myth 2 — My blood pressure will go up if I walk on the treadmill
Low impact cardio activities such as walking really have positive effects on your blood pressure.
Walking on a regular basis will help you in regulating your blood pressure. Ask your doctor, I am sure you will get the same advice.

Myth 3 — My child is too young to work out; it will interrupt his/her growth
Children can start working out as early as they can start walking and handle their routine stuff.
Involving them in a few physical activities will be one of the best habits you can inculcate in them.
Quite contrary to the popular myth, exercising is really beneficial for growing children.

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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Are You Burning Fat Or Just Calories?

Become a certified fitness instructor with GFFI Fitness Academy
Personal trainer batch Scheduled

Most of us are battling with lifestyle diseases or obesity and shedding those few extra kilos to get that “lean muscular look” although some others lik exercising simply to stay well and fit. To most people reducing weight means cutting down calories. While this is partly correct, there are myths and facts to losing fat and just burning calories.
There is an obvious need for energy to perform physical work. Lifting a load against the force of gravity is work performed and involves expending energy to perform that work.
Understanding calories: Before wanting to shed calories it’s important to get an insight into calories – it benefits and adverse effects. A calorie is a form of chemical energy which enables our bodies to perform our daily activities and also helps our internal organs to perform their respective functions.
Therefore a human body is constantly burning calories even during rest and sleep, due to these innumerable chemical processes going on inside of us. The food we eat gives us calories from its various sources i.e, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, of which, fat has the highest calories (9kcal/gm), and carb’s and proteins have 4kcal/gm each.

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Monday, 10 August 2015

Summer Tips

Become a certified fitness instructor with GFFI Fitness Academy
Personal trainer batch Scheduled

Despite the heat and humidity, summer comes with a variety of delicious food options that are full of health benefits. Here are the top 10 foods for summer.
Cucumber: This ranks at number one because it 96 per cent of it is water. It keeps your body hydrated and its cooling effect helps you fight the heat. It is also a good source of fibre and of nutrients like magnesium and potassium.
Bottle Gourd: Apart from its water content, bottle gourd has lots of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, B , iron and potassium. It helps prevent heat stroke, improves the digestive system, aids efficient metabolism and also optimises the immune system in summers. And best of all it is low in calories.
Bitter Gourd: This super food balances the water level in your body. It helps lower blood sugar level, fights type-2 diabetes and improves liver health.
Watermelon: This sweet watery fruit is extremely rich in Lycopene, which is very effective in improving your heart health. Its antioxidant property helps maintain healthy skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties help reduce muscle soreness after an intense workout.
Pumpkin: Pumpkin seeds are a extremely rich source of nutrients like magnesium, zinc and potassium. Their anti-fungal property helps fight summer infections. Pumpkins are low in calories and rich in fibre and also stimulates intestinal mobility.
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100 days abs challenge

Become a certified fitness instructor with GFFI Fitness Academy
Personal trainer batch Scheduled

Everybody wants a fabulous set of abs, but most people don’t how to achieve this feat. Because let’s face it – basic crunches are not going to get you there. You need to hit your abdominal muscles from various angles, and with maximum intensity. It’s also important that you work on your legs simultaneously in order to reduce your overall circumference.

Here are 5 exercises that you need to do to power up your abdominal muscles and get hard rock abs.

1.   V-sit ups- These are one of the best exercises for your core muscles. As you do this move, you will feel it crunch and contract your abs muscles thoroughly. 

How to do them: Lie flat on your back with your hands by your sides. Curl your abs and lift your upper and lower body at the same time to form a ‘V’. Make sure you keep your arms and legs straight. 

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