Wednesday, 28 October 2015

10-day mixed workout plan

"Mixing different exercises also improves one's flexibility, speed, agility, body balancing and functional capacity. It aids fat loss and muscle strengthening at a faster pace," says celebrity fitness trainer Neeraj Mehta.



Day 1
BMX Cross Fit: A combination of high-intensity cardio and function training moves. Helps in improving heart health, lung diffusion capacity, muscle endurance, muscle strength, functional ability, speed and agility. Also aids in losing weight.

Day 2
Core Blast: Targets your core muscles (not just abs). Helps in strengthening your entire core.
A very effective way to reduce your overall circumference.

Day 3
Yoga /Power Yoga: Yoga is a holistic approach to maintaining overall health. It improves your flexibility, body balance, muscle endurance and strength.

Day 4
Pilates: Pilates conditioning workout improves core strength, stability, posture and balance and prevents as well as treats back pain.

Day 5
Aerobics: Movements are combined in a way that it increases your cardiovascular (heart health) endurance, muscular endurance and concentration. Plus, moving to music also works as a form of expression.

Day 6
Zumba: Another variation of workout with fun, Zumba improves your core flexibility, body balance, heart health. Aids in weight loss.

Day 7
Strength Training: Improves muscle strength and endurance. Very effective in toning up your body and losing excess fat.

Day 8
Swimming: A low-impact and relaxing exercise, it builds cardiovascular fitness and helps attain a leaner, defined body.

Day 9
Kickboxing: Gives blastic contraction to your muscles. High-energy workout that is guaranteed to burn calories and fat.

Day 10
Outdoor Workout: Recreational or outdoor physical activities like cycling, rappelling etc enable you to soak up the sunshine benefits. Great for your mood and self-esteem. for latest fitness updates.
For more details on upcoming fitness courses call on 9811309667, 9810111018, 01145087033 or log on to





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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Become your own body engineer

Exercise can really do wonders for your body — externally and internally — provided you do it right.

I have seen people complain that a particular movement strains their joints; many have injured themselves while exercising and others think that their reduced flexibility is a result of weight training.
Exercise is supposed to enhance your body. It should affect your health in a positive way, and if it impacts you adversely, that means you are doing something wrong. It is important to follow correct body mechanics. Keeping this in mind, I have devised a biomechanical way of exercise termed BMXStrength.  In the “BMXStrength” or “biomechanics strength” technique, three things are taken care of:
Posture (your body should be centrally balanced);
Movement (motion of joints and muscles during exercise);
Breathing pattern (inhalation and exhalation while working out).
Let’s talk about your posture first. Posture actually refers to the alignment and position of your body against gravity.  It is essential to maintain a good posture so that the force of gravity is shared across your body and a particular joint or connective tissue is not stressed.
Follow Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta @