Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Lipoproteins and heart disease risk

Lipoproteins and heart disease risk

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

 The  Monoglycerides and long chain fatty acids liberated from digested food fat must travel in the bloodstream as chylomicrons. These protein and phospholipid clusters act as emulsifiers, attracting both water and fat to enable their large lipid passengers to travel dispersed in the watery body fluids. The tissues of the body can extract whatever fat they need from chylomicrons passing by in the bloodstream. The remnants are then picked up by the liver, which dismantles them and reuses their parts.
Major lipoprotein: VLDL, LDL, HDL  in addition to the chylomicrons, the body uses three other types of lipoprotein to carry fats:

•Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), Which carry triglycerides and other lipids made in the liver to the body cells for their use.

•Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), transport cholesterol and other lipids to the tissues. LDL are made from VLDL after they have donated many of their triglycerides to body cells.

•High-density lipoprotein (HDL), which are critical in the process of  carrying cholesterol away from body cells to the liver for disposal.

The last two of these lipoproteins, LDL and HDL, play major roles with regard to heart health and are the focus of most recommendations made for reducing the risk of heart disease.
Typical lipoprotein and demonstrates how a lipoprotein’s density changes with its lipid and protein contents.
The LDL and HDL difference  The separate functions of LDL and HDL are worth a moment’s attention because they carry important implications for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Both LDL and HDL carry lipids in the blood, but LDL are larger, lighter, and richer in cholesterol ; HDL are smaller, denser, and packaged with more protein. LDL deliver triglycerides and cholesterol from the liver to the tissues; HDL scavenge excess cholesterol and phospholipids from the tissues for disposal.

Both LDL and HDL carry cholesterol, but elevated LDL concentrations in the blood are sign of high risk of heart attack, whereas elevated HDL concentrations are associated with a low risk. Thus some people refer to LDL as “bad” cholesterol and HDL as “good” cholesterol yet they carry the same kind of cholesterol. The difference to health between LDL and HDL lies in the proportions of lipids they contain and the tasks they perform, not in the type of cholesterol they carry.

References/ web links:

Lipoproteins – The Real Cause of Heart Disease

Lipoproteins, nutrition, and heart disease

Lipoproteins and Your Risk for Heart Disease - dummies

Cardiovascular disease risk factors - Cholesterol | World Heart ...

Lipids, Lipoproteins, Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease - NCBI
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)

Lipoprotein subfractions and cardiovascular disease risk. - NCBI

Lipoprotein(a), cardiovascular disease, and contemporary management.

Lipoprotein(a). What is lipoprotein(a) and why is it important?

Lipoprotein a or Lp(a) is a risk factor for heart disease. Measurements of Lp(a) may provide additional information to traditional lipid assessment.

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Monday, 7 November 2016

A holistic approach to infertility

 A holistic approach to infertility 

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

•Women who have a very low percentage of body fat may stop ovulating. Gaining as little as five pounds can restore fertility

•Conversely, obesity can also reduce fertility by interfering with ovulation, though being moderately overweight does not lead to fertility problems.

•Food and drinking water are potential sources of pesticide exposure, which may affect male fertility. Organic food and filtered or bottled water may help reduce the risk.

•Beyond pesticides, other toxic exposures often work related that can affect male fertility include lead and benzene.

•Due to the high temperatures men with infertility should avoid hot baths, saunas steam rooms, and even working with a notebook computer in their lap, which may generate enough heat to interfere with sperm production.

•It’s debatable whether boxer shorts, as opposed to tighter underwear, can really help male fertility, but they can’t hurt and are probably worth a try.

•prescription drugs, including blood pressure medication, can affect male fertility. If this is a possibility, discuss with your doctor whether a change in medication or a switch to nondrug measures could be employed.

•As few as five alcoholic drinks per week has been shown to reduce a woman’s ability to get pregnant and can interfere with men’s fertility as well.

•Caffeine can also be deleterious to women’s fertility. Try to have no more than two cups of coffee daily, or the equivalent in caffeine from other sources such as tea or soft drinks.

•Tobacco can impair fertility in both men and women. Even secondhand smoke should be avoided as much as possible.

•Women who hope to become pregnant should avoid douching.

•Depression is potentially more harmful to fertility than stress alone. Anyone who is suffering from persistent feelings of sadness, lack of worth, or who has lost pleasure in formerly enjoyable activities should seek professional help.

•Some herbs such as Echinacea, and ginkgo biloba may adversely affect both male and female fertility.

•Acupuncture and combinations of traditional Chinese herbs have been shown to effectively treat some types of infertility in both men and women.

References/ web links

INFERTILITY: A Holistic Approach | Center for Holistic Medicine
www.holistic-medicine.com › Education › Uncategorized

A Holistic Approach to Fertility | Fertility and IVF Blog | Genea Australia

10 Ways to Address Your Root Causes of Infertility Naturally - Mercola

Natural Solutions for Infertility - Denver Holistic Medicine

holistic approach to infertility | Home remedies for natural health, for ...

How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally - Wellness Mama
wellnessmama.com › Blog › Motherhood

Holistic Solutions for Infertility and Miscarriage - Shirley's Wellness Cafe

A Holistic Approach To Fertility | India IVF Clinic

Natural Fertility Treatments | Martha Stewart - Whole Living
www.wholeliving.com › Wellness

Positive Health Online | Article - Holistic Approach to Infertility

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Friday, 4 November 2016

Overview of menopause

Overview of menopause

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

Menopause refers to the time after the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs, levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone drop, menstrual periods cease, and it is no longer possible to conceive a Child. Menopause can come on naturally or it can be the result of chemotherapy for cancer or the surgical removal of the ovaries. Natural menopause typically occurs in a woman’s late forties or early fifties or early fifties, but there is a wide age range. Perimenopause is the transitional phase when periods are often irregular. During both perimenopause and menopause it’s common to experience mood swings and such symptoms as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and memory problems. Symptoms vary enormously from woman to woman. Many pass through this stage with few symptoms and minimal disruption to their lives, while others are nearly incapacitated.

For year, doctors prescribed HRT for the treatment of menopause and perimenopause symptoms as well as the prevention of heart disease and osteoporosis. The thinking on HRT has changed radically as recent scientific studies suggest that, if anything, the risk of heart disease as well as of strokes, blood clots, and breast cancer is higher in woman who take HRT

women of menopausal age are typically at the stage of life when they are facing a lot of stress from juggling the responsibilities of work kids and aging parents.

Stress plays a significant role in the severity of menopausal symptoms reducing stress is thought to be helpful in dealing with hot flashes and mood swings.

Pranayama, restorative poses and meditation are particularly useful for minimizing the effects of stress.

Mental tension raises levels of the stress hormones cortisol, which contributes to the loss of calcium from bones and interferes with new bone growth.

Weight bearing postures that help build bone strength and unlike many other forms of exercise a number of asnas such as downward facing dog and handstand involve weight bearing in the hands and arms building those bones as well.

References/ web links 

Menopause: Overview & Facts - WebMD

Overview. Perimenopause, or menopause transition, is the stage of a woman's reproductive life that begins several years before menopause, when the ovaries gradually begin to produce less estrogen. Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1987 May;156(5):1280-3. Overview on menopause. Utian WH. Postmenopausal women comprise an ever-increasing percentage of the ...

Menopause Overview - Menopause - HealthCommunities.com
www.healthcommunities.com › Health Topics › Women's Health

Perimenopause and Menopause Overview - EndocrineWeb
www.endocrineweb.com › Endocrine Disorders › Reproduction

Overview of Menopause - North American Menopause ...

vention of hysterectomy (with bilateral oophorectomy) did not seem to be a factor in decreasing QOL. Compared. Chapter 1 Overview of Menopause ...

WHAT IS MENOPAUSE? Strictly speaking menopause refers to that point in time that normal or physiologic menstrual bleeding stops. The period of time prior to ...

Edgar Cayce Health Database Overview Menopause- During menopause, the woman moves from the child-bearing age to a balance of the body wherein much ...

Menopause: An Overview. Definitions. Peri menopause is the 2- to 8-year period before menstruation stops, when the levels of the hormones estrogen and ...


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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Decothlon Hiking Workshop

Decothlon Hiking Workshop

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

 Decothlon hosts a one of its kind workshop for Hiking and Running enthusiasts
A great initiative by decathlon to educate their customers who are interested in Hiking and Running.Quick link to shop online: http://www.decathlon.in/

Sunday is usually a rest day when and that’s when I go shopping for my daily gym ware and accessories. I usually go to this popular retailer Decathlon in Sohna Road, Gurgaon where they hosted this great workshop “Warm Up Gurgaon”. All sports lovers including some cyclists staying in Gurgaon attended this workshop and I was surprised to see their participation. The workshop was totally inspiring and the idea was to educate their regular customers as to how they can self-train themselves for the unexplored sports Hiking and health boosting day to day running in their monotonous schedules.
The best part of the workshop was that the hosts of the events were also people who live normal lives like all of us and have regular jobs, family who have taken the sports as their passion.

The first session was hosted by Mr. Chetan Sehgal who’s a real estate professional and a hiker. He described how he took the sport as his passion and how it gives him inner peace and personal time with himself. After his motivating introduction he talked about the necessity of spending time with oneself. To Chetan, hiking helps him maintain a balance in life and break the monotony of daily hassle. Hiking to even me, was a difficult sport with my limited knowledge however, with the help of internet and a one stop shop like Decathlon which has “All for sports and Sports for all” even their tagline says the same; anyone can pursue this sport without any hassle. Chetan, demonstrated how to get ready for a hike and what all one needs to carry and ensure a safe hiking.

This was followed by a great session on Running by Captain Dharamveer who’s a corporate professional and running enthusiast. Captain talked about how he transformed from being a chain smoker to a runner who has participated in numerous marathons. He talked about the health benefits of running of course and how it can help one re gain self-confidence. Captain Dharamveer told us how he chooseshis apparel and shoes for a perfect run. He also talked about the importance and benefits of hydrating the body.

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O, A, B, AB Food Charts

O, A, B, AB Food Charts

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

Type O Diet/ vegetables

Vegetables: portion: raw, cooked, or steamed -1 cup prepared

Highly beneficial : artichokes (lerusalem& domestic), beet leaves, broccoli, chicory, collard greens, dandelion, escarole, garlic, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, leek, romaine lettuce, okra, red onions, Spanish onions, yellow onions, parsley, parsnips, red peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, seaweed, spinach, swiss chard, turnips.

Neutral : arugula, asparagus, bamboo shoots, beets, bok choy, caraway, carrots, celery, chervil, coriander, cucumber, daikon, dill,endive, fennel, fiddlehead ferns, ginger, bibb lettuce, mesclun lettuce, lima beans, abalone, enoki mushrooms, Portobello mushrooms, tree oyster mushrooms, green peppers, radicchio, radishes, rappini, rutabaga, scallion, shallots, snow peas, mung sprouts, radish sprouts, all types squash, tempeh, tofu, tomato, water chestnut, watercress, yams, zucchini.

Avoid : avocado, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower, white corn, yellow corn, eggplant, domestic mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, mustard greens, black olives, greek olives, Spanish olives, red potatoes, white potatoes, alfalfa sprouts, Brussels sprouts.

Type A diet/ vegetables     

Vegetables: portion : raw-1 cup, cooked-1 cup, cooked soy products- (6-8) oz.

Highly beneficial: alfalfa sprouts, domestic artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, beet leaves, broccoli, carrots, chicory, collard greens, dandelion, escarole, garlic, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, leek, romaine lettuce, okra, red Spanish onions, yellow onions, parsley, parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, swiss chard, tempeh, tofu, turnips
Neutral : arugula, asparagus, avocado, bamboo shoots, beets, bok choy, caraway, cauliflower, celery, chervil, coriander, white& yellow corn, cucumber, daikon radish, endive, fennel, fiddlehead ferns, bibb lettuce, boston lettuce, iceberg lettuce, mesclun lettuce, abalone mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, maitaki mushrooms,  shiitake mushrooms, Portobello mushrooms, tree oyster mushrooms, mustard greens, green olives, green onions, radicchio, radishes, rappini, rutabaga, scallion, seaweed, shallots, Brussels sprouts, mung sprouts, radish sprouts, all types squash, water chestnut, watercress, zucchini.

Avoid : Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, white cabbage, eggplant, lima beans, domestic mushrooms, black olives, Spanish olives, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, red peppers, yellow peppers, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, while potatoes, tomatoes, yams.

Types B Diet/ vegetables 

Vegetables: portion: raw-1 cup, cooked- 1 cup, prepared

Neutral : arugula, asparagus, bamboo shoots, bok choy, celery, chervil, chicory, cucumber, daikon radish, dandelion, dill, endive, escarole, fennel, fiddlehead ferns, garlic, ginger, horseradish, kohlrabi, leek bibb lettuce, boston lettuce, iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, mesclun lettuce, abalone mushrooms, domestic mushrooms, enoki mushrooms Portobello mushrooms, tree oyster mushrooms, okra, green onion red potatoes, white potatoes, radicchio, rappini, rutabaga, scallion, seaweed, shallots, snow peas, spinach, alfalfa sprouts, all types squash, swiss chard, turnips, water chestnuts, watercress, zucchini.

Avoid : domestic & Jerusalem artichoke, avocado, white corn, yellow corn, black olives, green olives, greek olives, Spanish olives, pumpkin, radishes, mung sprouts, radish sprouts, tempeh, tofu, tomato.

Type AB Diet/ vegetables

Vegetables: portion: raw, cooked, or steamed- 1 cup prepared

Neutral : arugula, asparagus, bamboo shoots, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, white cabbage, caraway, carrots, chervil, chicory, coriander, daikon, endive, escarole, fennel, fiddlehead ferns, ginger, horseradish, kohlrabi, leek bibb lettuce, boston lettuce, iceberg lettuce, mesclun lettuce, romaine lettuce, abalone mushrooms, domestic mushrooms, Portobello
Mushrooms, tree mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, okra, green onions, red onions, Spanish onions, yellow onions, red onions, red potatoes, white potatoes, pumpkin, radicchio, rappini, rutabaga, scallion, seaweed, shallots, snow peas, spinach, Brussels sprouts, all types squash, swiss chard, tomato turnips, water chestnuts, watercress, zucchini.

Avoid : domestic artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, avocados, white corn, yellow corn, lima beans, black olives, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, red peppers, yellow peppers, radishes, mung sprouts, radish sprouts.

References/ web links:

Blood Type Diet: Eating for Types O, A, B, & AB - WebMD

30+ Blood Type Diet Charts & Printable Tables - Template Lab

Jump to Type AB Diet - D'Adamo considers people with AB blood to be the “Enigmas”. ... the blood type diet, you'll eat a blend of the type A and type B ...

Types of Foods to Avoid for B Positive Blood Type | Healthy Eating | SF ...
healthyeating.sfgate.com › Healthy Meals › Fruits & Vegetables

Not all blood types are the same. There are four types of blood, A, B, AB and O, and the presence or absence of certain antigens is what determines your blood ...
Food Charts

Blood Type B Food List | LIVESTRONG.COM
www.livestrong.com › Diseases and Conditions

Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D'Adamo: Food list – what to eat, avoid

Jump to Type AB - food list. Type AB beneficial foods | Type AB neutral foods | Type AB ... the intermingling of type A Caucasians with type B Mongolians, ...
Cook Right 4 Your Type -

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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

SOY: The Alternate Protein

SOY: The Alternate Protein 

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

Before we even consider soy’s health promoting abilities, let’s take a brief look at its other, often overlooked plus: it is an excellent protein alternative. For example a half cup of tofu provides 18 to 20 grams of protein which is 40 percent of the daily requirement for most people. That same amount of tofu also provides 258 milligrams of calcium (more than a quarter of our daily needs) and 13 milligrams of iron (87 percent of a woman’s daily need and 130 percent of a man’s).
Here’s a comparison of the percentage of protein by weight of a few food: soy flour is 51 percent protein; whole, dry soybeans are 35 percent protein; fish is only 22 percent protein; hamburger is only 13 percent protein; and whole milk is just 3 percent protein.
Substituting 15 grams of soy protein for 15 grams of animal protein would cause the current  dietary ratio of animal to plant protein to fall from two to one to a more desirable one to one the ratio it was in the early 1900s. at this level of intake soy protein would still represent less than 20 percent of the average protein intake of  adults.
In addition to the high quality protein you get when you substitute soy for animal protein you get a bonus of vitamins, minerals and a good dose of phytonutrients. Soy has a healthy mix of fats and no cholesterol.
In one study the substitution of soy for animal products reduced coronary artery disease risk in the study subjects because of their subsequent reductions in blood lipids (such as LDL), homocysteine and blood pressure. For those of us eating a typical American diet what this means is that soy is so good because much of what we eat is so bad for us many of us! Many of our protein sources come with additional less than desirable components particularly saturated fat as well as hormones pesticides antibiotics and other negative.
Tofu is even low in calories compared with other plant based protein sources. In fact tofu has the lowest known ratio of calories to protein in any plant food except mung bean soy bean sprouts.
Soy offers the highest quality protein of any plant food. Available in organic forms (and therefore free of any pesticides or other additives) it offers all nine essential amino acids and is a good source of plant derived omega 3 fatty acids. So even if you  only relied on soy as a meat substitute a couple of times a week you’d be ahead of the game.

References / web links:

Soy Meat Alternative | Soyfoods Association of North America
High Protein Vegetarian Alternatives to Soy - No Meat Athlete

Vegetarian Protein Foods Not Named Tofu or Tempeh. “Four Alternatives” list: four high-protein, non-soy, vegetarian foods. A lot of people seem to think soy is the only decent source of protein out there for vegetarians.
Soy Meat Alternative | Soyfoods Association of North America

Soy meat alternatives, also called meat analogs, are made primarily from soy proteins, wheat gluten and may contain carbohydrates. A few meat alternatives ...
5 Soy-Free Vegan Foods That Have More Protein Than Beef | One ...

Beyond Tofu: Protein-Packed Soy Alternatives to Power Up Your ...

Can you be a Vegan or Vegetarian without using Soy products ...

Soy Good! Why Eat Soy Protein Instead of Meat (Sometimes)

Soy Alternatives: Substitutes for Tofu, Miso, Soy Sauce and More | The ...

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