Monday 7 November 2016

A holistic approach to infertility

 A holistic approach to infertility 

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

•Women who have a very low percentage of body fat may stop ovulating. Gaining as little as five pounds can restore fertility

•Conversely, obesity can also reduce fertility by interfering with ovulation, though being moderately overweight does not lead to fertility problems.

•Food and drinking water are potential sources of pesticide exposure, which may affect male fertility. Organic food and filtered or bottled water may help reduce the risk.

•Beyond pesticides, other toxic exposures often work related that can affect male fertility include lead and benzene.

•Due to the high temperatures men with infertility should avoid hot baths, saunas steam rooms, and even working with a notebook computer in their lap, which may generate enough heat to interfere with sperm production.

•It’s debatable whether boxer shorts, as opposed to tighter underwear, can really help male fertility, but they can’t hurt and are probably worth a try.

•prescription drugs, including blood pressure medication, can affect male fertility. If this is a possibility, discuss with your doctor whether a change in medication or a switch to nondrug measures could be employed.

•As few as five alcoholic drinks per week has been shown to reduce a woman’s ability to get pregnant and can interfere with men’s fertility as well.

•Caffeine can also be deleterious to women’s fertility. Try to have no more than two cups of coffee daily, or the equivalent in caffeine from other sources such as tea or soft drinks.

•Tobacco can impair fertility in both men and women. Even secondhand smoke should be avoided as much as possible.

•Women who hope to become pregnant should avoid douching.

•Depression is potentially more harmful to fertility than stress alone. Anyone who is suffering from persistent feelings of sadness, lack of worth, or who has lost pleasure in formerly enjoyable activities should seek professional help.

•Some herbs such as Echinacea, and ginkgo biloba may adversely affect both male and female fertility.

•Acupuncture and combinations of traditional Chinese herbs have been shown to effectively treat some types of infertility in both men and women.

References/ web links

INFERTILITY: A Holistic Approach | Center for Holistic Medicine › Education › Uncategorized

A Holistic Approach to Fertility | Fertility and IVF Blog | Genea Australia

10 Ways to Address Your Root Causes of Infertility Naturally - Mercola

Natural Solutions for Infertility - Denver Holistic Medicine

holistic approach to infertility | Home remedies for natural health, for ...

How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally - Wellness Mama › Blog › Motherhood

Holistic Solutions for Infertility and Miscarriage - Shirley's Wellness Cafe

A Holistic Approach To Fertility | India IVF Clinic

Natural Fertility Treatments | Martha Stewart - Whole Living › Wellness

Positive Health Online | Article - Holistic Approach to Infertility

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