Thursday, 31 October 2013

Benefits of Natural Fruits and Vegetables:

Benefits of Natural Fruits and Vegetables:

1. Fresh Black Berries are lush and delicious, an excellent source of Vitamin C and have more fiber than a serving to some bran cereals. Eat them while fresh, and light rinse just before serving.
2. Garlic is very beneficial to lower blood pressure.
Dry roasted soy nut also helps to reduce blood pressure.
3. Flax seed powder mixed with Oats or daliya or rice brans as breakfast are really effective to lower blood cholesterol level, also reduce the risk of some cancer, and also help in weight loss.
4. Diabetics may benefit from oat bran apart from having fenugreek leaves and bittergourd in their daily diet.
5. Broccoli fight against stomach ulcers and also from stomach cancer.
Broccoli is low in calories and high in fiber.
6. Cabbage apart from being excellent source of vitamin C, low calories and high in fiber it also prevents colon cancer.
7. Diet can help keep Breast cancer in remission, foods like whole grain, fish and veg and fruit based diet that is low in fat are best for the prevention.
8. Carrot prevents night blindness, lower cholesterol level and protect against cancer.
9. Cauliflower apart from good source of vitamin C, folate, potassium, Low in calories and high in fiber it is an anti cancer food.
10. Cheese fights against cavities, because the fat naturally contained heese coats your teeth and acts as a natural barrier against bacteria, calcium and PH found in Cheese also helps to remineralize tooth enamel.
11. Cherries helps in reducing cholesterols as it is rich in Pectin.
12. Chilies helps in reliving nasal congestion and also helps in preventing blin cood clots that can lead to heart attach or stroke.
13. Chose dark chocolates over milk chocolates because it contains more anti oxidant and less fat.
14. To increase and improve blood flow, onions and garlic are very beneficial.
15. During Cold and flu, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables for vitamin C, garlic and hot peppers which act as natural decongestants.
16. Drink hot liquids which stimulates the bowel e.g. drink of herbal teal or a glass of hot water with lemon to prevent constipation.
17. Include two to three dates in your daily diet as it is an excellent source of potassium, good source of Iron, Niacin, vitamin B6 and fiber.
18. For Dental Health:- consume plenty of calcium rich food, fresh fruits and vegetables for Vitamin A & C & for chewing in order to promote healthy gums and tea, which is good source of fluoride.
19. Those who are suffering from depression have fish in good quantity .Fish Oil cure depression.
Chocolate also act as a natural antidepressant.
20. Diabetes:- Regular meals and snacks to avoid fluctuation in blood sugar level.
21. Ginger is reported to easy nausea.
22. Egg:- excellent source of protein, vitamin B, A & D, Zinc and Fe and source of antioxidant.
Egg is “Complete Protein” food.
23. Fiber:- Apart from preventing constipation and reducing colon cancer
High-fiber diet can lower cholesterol as effectively as low fat diet.
24. Fish:- source of protein, iron and other mineral are also high in vitamin A and contains omega-3 fatty acids.
25. Researchers have found that Apple & Pears to your daily diet help to lose weight faster.
26. Garlic:- Antiviral, antibacterial properties help prevent or fight infection.
27. Ginger:- Prevent morning sickness. Help to quell nausea. Help to relieve Menstrual cramp.
28. Relieve a cold with ginger tea.
29. Grapes:- reduce risked heart disease, cancers and strokes.
30. Vitamin C rich fruits like oranges and sweet lime really helps to cure infection but if you are uncomfortable in taking sour foods then opt for Guavas as they are excellent source of vitamin C and also good amount of potassium.

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy

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Step Aerobic Class by Neeraj Mehta

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Guidelines for stretching

Guidelines for stretching:
Neeraj Mehta

1 Concentrate on maintaining correct body alignment – stretching a muscle to its functional long point within a longitudinal line with lumber section of the vertebral column extended.
2 Concentrate on the release-recovery phase pattern.  Maintaining the correct alignment and breathing technique will assist in the support of the lumber region.
3 Take note of the stretching pattern and duration of the stretch being held.  The duration of the stretch during warm-up should be from 4 – 32 counts.
4 Major muscle groups to be stretched: Erector spinae, iliopsoas, the adductors, quadriceps, hamstrings, the gastrocnemius and the hip flexors.
5 Apply the correct technique when stretching.  Emphasis is placed on diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation.  Attempt to apply a slow, controlled and progressive approach to achieve a better stretch.  When reaching the desired range, relax in that position before attempting to increase the range.  During the actual movement, the assistance of the contracted abdominals will support the limber region in maintaining the required body alignment.

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Tip: Improving Fitness

Tip: Improving Fitness
Neeraj Mehta with Parveen Dhiman
in Chandigarh Workshop

People who have higher cardiorespiratory aerobic fitness have fewer cardiovascular risk factors than people who are less fit, even if the less fit are equally or more active. This means you should improve your aerobic fitness by challenging yourself instead of always doing the same aerobic exercise workout. Move up a level on your bike or stairstepper, or try interval training: work hard for 2 or 3 minutes, then recover slowly for the same time. On the track, run a lap briskly followed by a slow lap. Do 4-8 intervals after a warmup and before aerobics, once or twice a week.

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy

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Monday, 28 October 2013

Relax and Breathe While Kickboxing

Neeraj Mehta
Tip: Relax and Breathe While Kickboxing

Breathe, breathe! Don’t be so tense when kickboxing! A common problem with beginning kickboxers is that they tend to tense up and take too few breaths. 

When you are in your fighting stance, about to do a combination of moves, don’t tense up and do all the moves while only taking one breath. One of the most essential kickboxing techniques is relaxing and breathing deeply. When you do this, your body flows more easily and your movements will tend to be more fluid and natural. Take a breath with each punch and not only will you be kickboxing more smoothly, but you’ll need fewer breaks between combinations.

NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional and master trainer of GFFI Fitness Academy)

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Your Diet may be killing you

Your Diet may be killing you
Neeraj Mehta in Training Session

It’s a big challenge to why your healthy diet is making you sick and what you can do now to protect your precious health.
Every day, more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.  The amount of children born with autism and other behavior problems are rising at incredible rates and obesity has become the number one medical health problem in the India.  Doctors estimate that over 21% of entire Asia is classified as obese. In fact, unhealthy eating habits have spread throughout the world and no one is immune to it.
If you love your Body, then you need to severely restrict or remove some foods from your diet. It’s not about punishing yourself; it’s about keeping you alive. There are a lot of tasty foods out there that are healthier, so just replace some of these foods with something healthier.
It depends on your body type and blood group also, which food will be easily metabolized to your body. As you get older, you have fewer leptin receptors in your hypothalamus – meaning that you have fewer satiety signals, which makes you prone to gaining weight.

Sugar and Salt
The two main culprits are sugar and salt which are often consumes each on their own but still manage to be harmful to your health. Salt can make your intestine blot and sugar can interfere in balancing your hormone.
Just by consuming one sugar-filled drink a day, men increase their likelihood of having a heart attack by 20 percent. Diet soda increases your risk of stroke and death too, so it would probably be best if you’re stuck to vegetable juices and water.

Fried foods
Fried foods are a killer. Restaurants fry food in the same oil over and over again, which may taste good on your chicken or fires but it is definitely not good for you. Trans fats begin to build up in the grease as more and more food is fried in it. If you fry your foods in olive oil then you will cause less damage to your body. Olive oil is heart healthy oil, so if you have to fry something, fry it in that.

Grains contain Phytic Acid, a mineral blocker that prevents absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.  Gluten (found in wheat) is a sticky, water soluble protein that is found in your favorite grains (wheat, rye, barley, etc). Gluten and similar grain-based proteins work to break down the microvilli in your small intestine, eventually letting particles of your food leech into your blood stream, causing allergies, digestive disturbances or autoimmune problems.
Most of us think that eating fruits and vegetables can be nothing but healthy but there are hidden dangers in many common foods. Poisons that make you sick, paralyze and even kill you lurk behind some of our favorites.

Lima Beans
Lima beans have to be very well cooked before they are eaten because the raw beans contain a product called limarin. Just a handful can make someone violently ill so always ensure they have been cooked at least 10 minutes and never, ever put them in salads raw. Cooking renders them harmless and gives you lots of good nutrition.

Raw Vegetables
Consuming raw vegetables as part of a balanced diet can provide your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Your body needs nutrients from vegetables to survive, but some adverse side effects may occur from consuming raw vegetables. Add vegetables to your diet as part of a balanced eating plan. Vegetables typically contain negligible amounts of fat and protein, and therefore cannot be your only source of nutrition. Wash your produce thoroughly before you eat it or put it in the refrigerator, to avoid possibly contaminating other foods. Some vegetables are high in acid an may cause heartburn, or acid reflux

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy
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Blood Pressure & Aerobic Training

Neeraj Mehta
Blood Pressure & Aerobic Training

Blood pressure readings consist of two numbers, systolic and diastolic pressures. The systolic pressure is a measurement of how forceful the heart is pumping blood when it contracts in the pumping stage. It is the vascular pressure created during the contraction of the left ventricle. If this reading is too high, then the heart is working too hard. The diastolic pressure is the measurement of the force existing within the relaxed arteries between heartbeats. If this number is high it could be indicative of clogged or constricted blood vessels.
Digital blood pressure monitors are available at many department and drug stores and provide an easy method of taking a reading. When a reading is taken in the doctor's office, he first wraps the cuff around your arm and pumps it up with air effectively cutting off the circulation to the lower arm. As he pumps air into the cuff, a mercury pressure gauge provides an increasing reading of the pressure within the cuff. Listening through a stethoscope, he begins to slowly let the air out and the gauge begins to fall. At the moment he hears the pulse start back up, he records the level on the gauge. This is the systolic pressure. He continues to release air from the cuff. When he can no longer hear your pulse, he records that reading from the gauge. That is your diastolic pressure. A reading of 120/80 or lower is considered good. A reading of 140/90 or above is considered high blood pressure.
It is important to see a doctor to determine if medication is required if high blood pressure is indicated. Exercising with high blood pressure and without medication could cause serious consequences. Exercise raises the heart rate and associated cardiovascular pressures, which can push a borderline reading to excessive levels. Certain foods can elevate blood pressure by constricting blood vessels or increasing heart rate.
The Valsalva Maneuver or holding the breath while performing an exercise can increase blood pressure to extremely high and dangerous levels. Blood pressures of nearly 400/350 have been recorded during such actions. Existing aneurysms can burst, blood vessels in the eye can rupture and even retinas can tear (Valsalva Retinopathy). This is a common and dangerous practice. It is also the job of the trainer or spotter to recognize when the breath is being held and bring it to the exerciser's attention immediately.

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy
Log on to, for Fitness Training Courses
Courses: Gym Trainer, Personal Trainer, Aerobic Trainer, Pilates Trainer, Yoga Trainer   

Jerk Snatch n Tapping by Neeraj Mehta

Box Jump with Weights, by Neeraj Mehta

Sweat doesn’t reduce your weight:

Sweat doesn’t reduce your weight: 

Don’t be fool if you are sweating more. Sweat is more than just a little surplus moisture. It’s controlled by the hypothalamus, a tiny part of your brain. When you sweat, the fluid evaporates from the skin’s surface, carrying away excess body heat. In an indirect way, sweating from hard exercise helps you lose weight and by increasing your BMR. It’s not only one get sweat, during exercise, there are other Situations, which produces sweat, like Public Speaking, Getting divorced, Getting married, Interviewing for a job, going on a first date, and cooking in the kitchen etc.

The sweat itself comes from two types of glands. The apocrine sweat glands, which are the largest, are concentrated in the armpits and groin. The second type of sweat glands is the eccrine glands. These cover your entire body except the lips, the nipples and portions of genitals. This fluid is thinner than apocrine sweat and is mainly water, with small amounts of salt, potassium, urea and lactate. Its major role is to assist in thermoregulation – to prevent the body from overheating.

In extremely hot situations – for examples, running a marathon on a humid day- the body may not be able to dissipate the heat effectively. If you don’t give yourself a cool off period, this can lead to heat exhaustion or even heatstroke, which can put you in danger.

Don’t be fooled by fluids. Lot of people equates sweat with melted fat, but it’s not. When you sweat, you lose water weight. In other words although you might lose as much as 2 kilos during a workout , you will gain it all back as soon as you take a few drinks of water. Weighing yourself before and after exercise will tell you how much fluid you will need to take in.  

If you’re keen to shed a few kilos, the best way to do it is Right diet, Smart Exercise, Positive thinking and adequate rest. Most people today  are part of some fitness program either because they are  battling with lifestyle diseases or obesity or there are some who want to shed those few extra kilos to get that “ lean muscular look” while some simply want to stay well and fit. To achieve this, we frequently hear around us “SWEAT MORE BURN MORE”.

The question is how we achieve this ideal picture of maximum fat loss, which will obviously result in burning calories and, of preserving lean muscle tissue which will result in strength gain and a toned body. The answer is effective exercise and a healthy diet. To understand effective exercises one needs to be acquainted with its two forms namely cardiovascular or aerobic and weight training or resistance training.
Hence to burn maximum fat and calories one must go for high intensity exercises while making cardio a part of one’s exercise program. There are numerous ways to hit the intensity for example going for an all out sprint which will leave you breathless after say 40 seconds, using higher weights with less repetitions  not allowing one to go beyond 5 to 6 reps, or using moderate weight with maximum repetitions. Another effective way is to take less rest between sets. The more intensity you hit more fat you lose, but not “sweat”

Facts for sweat:
When you sweat, you lose water weight.
Sweating while exercise only can metabolize your fat, but it’s not when you are not exercising
Sweating from hard exercise helps you lose weight by increasing your BMR.
Wearing a plastic suit for exercise, for more sweat can put you at risk for heat exhaustion or heatstroke.
Too much sweat, while exercising can put in dangerous conditions that can cause symptoms ranging from headache and dizziness to a weak, rapid heartbeat.
Dangerous of getting too much sweat, can loss essential nutrition’s from the body.
Sweat is body’s natural air-conditioner. The harder you train, the more you will sweat and also can detoxify your body.

Written by Neeraj Mehta (Nutrition and Fitness Professional and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy) 

GFFI Fitness Academy's Up Coming Course

Neeraj Mehta
Hello every one GFFI Fitness Academy is starting the course for Personal Trainer / Gym Trainer Certification by 4th, December, 2013.

Also starting workshops for
Core Blast
Power Yoga
Cross Fit

Enrol today, and become certified Fitness Trainer, with job assistance

Contact Us:

Reg. Work Office: (DELHI)
35, North West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh Club Road, Punjabi Bagh (west), Above OBC Bank, New Delhi – 110026, Contact: +91-84-70-80-70-30

Club Fitness (Chandigarh)
SCO 5 and 6, Top Floor above Punjab National Bank, Near Railway Crossing, Dhakoli, Zirakpur (Chandigarh), Contact: +91-84-70-80-70-30,

Contact Yogesh Rathi (Certified Fitness Professional and High Intensity Specialist from GFFI Fitness Academy +919914950053, Email:

Contact Parveen Dhiman (Certified Bio mechanics Exercise Specialist  +919888222515)