Thursday, 31 October 2013

Benefits of Natural Fruits and Vegetables:

Benefits of Natural Fruits and Vegetables:

1. Fresh Black Berries are lush and delicious, an excellent source of Vitamin C and have more fiber than a serving to some bran cereals. Eat them while fresh, and light rinse just before serving.
2. Garlic is very beneficial to lower blood pressure.
Dry roasted soy nut also helps to reduce blood pressure.
3. Flax seed powder mixed with Oats or daliya or rice brans as breakfast are really effective to lower blood cholesterol level, also reduce the risk of some cancer, and also help in weight loss.
4. Diabetics may benefit from oat bran apart from having fenugreek leaves and bittergourd in their daily diet.
5. Broccoli fight against stomach ulcers and also from stomach cancer.
Broccoli is low in calories and high in fiber.
6. Cabbage apart from being excellent source of vitamin C, low calories and high in fiber it also prevents colon cancer.
7. Diet can help keep Breast cancer in remission, foods like whole grain, fish and veg and fruit based diet that is low in fat are best for the prevention.
8. Carrot prevents night blindness, lower cholesterol level and protect against cancer.
9. Cauliflower apart from good source of vitamin C, folate, potassium, Low in calories and high in fiber it is an anti cancer food.
10. Cheese fights against cavities, because the fat naturally contained heese coats your teeth and acts as a natural barrier against bacteria, calcium and PH found in Cheese also helps to remineralize tooth enamel.
11. Cherries helps in reducing cholesterols as it is rich in Pectin.
12. Chilies helps in reliving nasal congestion and also helps in preventing blin cood clots that can lead to heart attach or stroke.
13. Chose dark chocolates over milk chocolates because it contains more anti oxidant and less fat.
14. To increase and improve blood flow, onions and garlic are very beneficial.
15. During Cold and flu, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables for vitamin C, garlic and hot peppers which act as natural decongestants.
16. Drink hot liquids which stimulates the bowel e.g. drink of herbal teal or a glass of hot water with lemon to prevent constipation.
17. Include two to three dates in your daily diet as it is an excellent source of potassium, good source of Iron, Niacin, vitamin B6 and fiber.
18. For Dental Health:- consume plenty of calcium rich food, fresh fruits and vegetables for Vitamin A & C & for chewing in order to promote healthy gums and tea, which is good source of fluoride.
19. Those who are suffering from depression have fish in good quantity .Fish Oil cure depression.
Chocolate also act as a natural antidepressant.
20. Diabetes:- Regular meals and snacks to avoid fluctuation in blood sugar level.
21. Ginger is reported to easy nausea.
22. Egg:- excellent source of protein, vitamin B, A & D, Zinc and Fe and source of antioxidant.
Egg is “Complete Protein” food.
23. Fiber:- Apart from preventing constipation and reducing colon cancer
High-fiber diet can lower cholesterol as effectively as low fat diet.
24. Fish:- source of protein, iron and other mineral are also high in vitamin A and contains omega-3 fatty acids.
25. Researchers have found that Apple & Pears to your daily diet help to lose weight faster.
26. Garlic:- Antiviral, antibacterial properties help prevent or fight infection.
27. Ginger:- Prevent morning sickness. Help to quell nausea. Help to relieve Menstrual cramp.
28. Relieve a cold with ginger tea.
29. Grapes:- reduce risked heart disease, cancers and strokes.
30. Vitamin C rich fruits like oranges and sweet lime really helps to cure infection but if you are uncomfortable in taking sour foods then opt for Guavas as they are excellent source of vitamin C and also good amount of potassium.

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy

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