Tuesday 5 November 2013

Weight Loss Herbal Teas

Weight Loss Herbal Teas

Weight loss diet teas aren't tea-riffic. There have been a number of cases, in the U.S. and abroad, of people getting ill and even dying because of drinking unregulated herbal teas advertised for quick weight loss. There are so many ingredients that may be toxic or contaminated, that it is difficult to account for them all.

Your best bet is to avoid all weight loss teas. Green tea is still safe for people following sensible weight loss programs. Eat right and work out and don´t look for magic pills, or teas.

Most herbal teas are healthful, enjoyable beverages and alternatives to, say, soda. Buy from a reputable manufacturer and stay away from the teas that claim to be for quick weight loss.

log on to more detail for weight loss http://www.gffi-fitness.org/weight-loss-vs-eating-right/

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy

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