Monday 13 April 2015

Double Your Fitness Fun

Gladiator Yoga and ladder Rig+ Kick Combat Workout By Neeraj Mehta

Gladiator Yoga
Gladiator yoga is a combination of combat movement and Supreme Yoga stretches. It is based on dramatic marshal art attack & defense sequences along with Tai-chi meditation (meditation with motion). The technique involves several body balancing movements, extreme stretching, exhale and inhale with lot of screaming which is termed as Diaphragmatic and costal breathing. This breathing technique generates a lot of power and concentration, which helps in body balancing during the extreme stretches as your brain is completely alert when you are screaming.

ladder Rig + Kick Combat Workout
The session starts on the ground with kick combat movements. The sequence of many front and side mini kicks will be practiced. Lot of lunges and squats movements are included in the sequence. After the ground sequence you will need to hold the ladder with the arms and try to pull the legs towards the ground. After this warm up session you move to more intense movements. One of such movement is, to jump and hold the ladder and do a chin up, then jump down and do split legs stretch. The technique is an inclusion of several such movements to give you a very high intensity workout.
Read full story in Mail Today Article By Lipla Negi “Double Your Fitness Fun”
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