Sunday 12 April 2015

Health updates by Neeraj Mehta

Male Memory Performance Declines Faster with Age! 
Though brain shrinkage occurs with age, it appears that brain volume in the areas of the brain that concern memory tend to decrease at a faster rate in men starting at around age 40. Experts suspect that lower rates of vascular disease among women may contribute to their superior brain health as they enter their later years.
JAMA Neurology, March 2015

Folic Acid May Reduce Stroke Risk in People with Hypertension. 
Chinese researchers have found that folic acid may help reduce the risk of stroke in people with high blood pressure. The study tracked more than 20,000 adults with high blood pressure over four years. Investigators found that participants who randomly received folic acid along with their blood pressure medication had a 21% lower risk of stroke than those taking blood pressure medication alone during the course of the study. Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City adds, "If all that is required to prevent the greatest health threat worldwide is a vitamin, then we need to consider checking patients' blood levels of folic acid and supplementing if needed."
Journal of the American Medical Association, March 2015

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