Friday 29 May 2015


BMXStrength ® - A biomechanical way of working out
Exercise is a prevention cure of several lifestyle diseases. Regular exercising can help you in so many ways. But do you know that incorrect movement and postures can give you serious consequences. Take an example of strength training. Many exercisers get strain on their joints while lifting weights, many feel that their body is getting stiffer because of lifting heavy weights, many feel imbalances in their body structure, lack of flexibility is always blamed on strength training.  

To tell you the truth Weights are not responsible for any of these. The main problem is your posture, movements and breathing technique. While doing weight training your movements should be as per BMXStrength ®. BMXStrength technique focuses on using your prime mover muscle more, of any movement. In other words while doing any particular movement use the power of prime mover muscle and strain less on your stabilizers or supporting muscles. This way you would be able to enhance your muscles faster in quickest possible time. Another benefit of implementing BMXStrength in your workout is that as you would be using the power of your muscles with correct biomechanics, you would not get any strain on your joints. This is an injury free way of working out.

Invented by International fitness therapist Neeraj Mehta, this technique has helped many of exerciser to correct their imbalances and get effective results. This technique is implemented as injury rehabilitation programs as well.

Read full story in the latest issue of Good Health

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