Friday, 8 May 2015

Milk Thistle-

Truth about supplements (series)

Milk Thistle-
Milk Thistle is a Mediterranean Plant with red-purple flower. It has gotten its name from the milky streaks on the plan’s leaves. Milk Thistle has gained popularity over the years. Many bodybuilders complement their dietary supplements and protein with Milk Thistle. It is claimed to be very effective for your liver protection. It is also argued that Milk Thistle works as a toxin removing cleanser. 

Dietary Source-
·         Plant is edible. Young leaves of Milk Thistle can be a really good add on to your salad.
·         Protect liver tissues from any side effects.
·         works as a toxin removing cleanser
·         Protect Gallbladder from any infection or damage.
·         A cure for jaundice, hepatitis.
·         Effective in mushroom poisoning.

  • Since Ancient times Milk Thistle has been used as a remedy for snakebites, jaundice and several other disease. Several researches has been conducted to check its effects on liver and the results were truly amazing.
  •  The Flavonoids compound in milk thistle has an antioxidant property which protects the liver.
  •  Milk Thistle promotes the regeneration of liver tissues by increasing protein synthesis.
  • Milk Thistle has anti inflammatory properties and it also reduces level of cholesterol in the liver and in the gallbladder.
  • Silybin, found in milk thistle can counteract the damage caused by toxins.
  • It can enhance the process of detoxification.
  • It has extremely strong antidote effects and it can defeat the effect of death cap mushrooms (one of the deadliest mushrooms).

Side effects: It is considered one of the safest supplements, if taken in adequate quantity. However some may experience a few side effects.
  • A mild laxative effect if taken for a longer period.
  • Milk Thistle is a member of aster plant family, if someone is allergic to this family then they may have allergic reaction to milk thistle.
  • Not enough evidence are available on the usage for pregnant women or nursing moms.
  • If taken for a longer period of time, it may lower blood sugar level.


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