Monday 11 May 2015

Summer fun

Summer holidays are a challenging time for parents. Kids want to have fun but parents want them to be engaged in healthy activities. One way is for parents to spend more time with the kids and help them learn new things while having fun. There are other ways too. Some tips:
Work on working out: Use the vacation to work on your child’s fitness level. Exercising regularly improves brain function. The best way would be for the parents to involve the child in his/her exercise routine and work out together. If you’re sending them to a fitness facility make sure that they are being supervised by a certified fitness instructor.
Read away: If your kid is not a reader, start inculcating the reading habit this summer. Get involved with their reading. Take them to your local library and help them choose appropriate books. Make a habit of a shared reading at bedtime or any other set time. Work out book-related fun activities with the kids.
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